Our Initiatives
The meaning and value of our national anthem – The devotional prayer JANA GANA MANA

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Dr. Joyappa Achaiah was propelled by a desire to inculcate respect for the national anthem among citizens of our country. And this led him to create 'The meaning and value of our Devotional Prayer: The National Anthem'. Translated to 10 languages, namely English, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Assamese, Oriya Bengali, Malayalam this copy contains the essence and meaning of the sacred national anthem. The intention was to educate and create awareness among the people of our land. Designed by Nautical Digital Studios, this copy has attracted the attention of many citizens. Dr. Joyappa Achaiah and his team have made a significant contribution to our community through this attempt of theirs. The writing has been well written and conceptualized effectively. This is sure to touch the hearts of many citizens.